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W czwartek zawodnicy startujący w ABSA Cape Epic 2018 musieli zmierzyć się z królewskim etapem – 113 km i 1800 metrów z limitem 10h na jego pokonanie. W koszulkach lidera na trasę ruszyli zawodnicy InvestecSongoSpecialized – Jaroslav Kulhavy oraz Howard Grotts i to mając ledwo dwie minuty przewagi w klasyfikacji generalnej.
Na starcie etapu Manuel Fumic mówił:
„Czwarty etap dobrze się dla nas zapowiada, jest dużo singli, więc zrobimy wszystko, żeby reszta stawki musiała trochę pocierpieć.”
Na początku etapu z pełną mocą odpalił duet Canyon Topeak – Lakata i Hynek. Zabolało. Howard Grotts, pierwszy Amerykanin w koszulce lidera, musiał poprosić swojego partnera – Jaroslava Kulhavego o wsparcie.
Na mecie Grotts stwierdził, że dział miał tylko „jeden bieg” i bez pomocy Czecha nie dałby rady dotrzeć do mety. Na czoło wysunęła się dwójka Fumic / Avancini, a chwilę później defekty zaliczyły ekipy Investec Songo Specialized oraz Canyon Topeak.
Do walki z ekipą Cannondale Factory Racing stanęli triumfatorzy prologu – zawodnicy Centurion Vaude. Na jednym z asfaltowych podjazdów dogonili dwójkę Fumic / Avancini, poprawili i tak wypracowaną przewagę dowieźli na metę. Było to jednak za mało na objęcie prowadzenia w klasyfikacji generalnej, więc żółte koszulki lidera nie zmieniły swojego właściciela.
W rywalizacji kobiet bez żadnych niespodzianek. Kolejne miażdżące zwycięstwo dwójki Langvad / Courtney czyli Investec Songo Specialized, które etap wygrały z przewagą ponad 8 minut, a w klasyfikacji generalnej mają już ponad pół godziny dającej komfort w kolejnych dniach rywalizacji.
Warto tu też wspomnieć, że zwycięstwo na królewskim etapie było swego rodzaju prezentem urodzinowym dla Dunki, która tego dnia świętowała 34 urodziny
ABSA Cape Epic - etap #4 - Cape Town, RPA
- Centurion Vaude 3-1 Nicola Rohrbach (SUI) 3-2 Daniel Geismayr (AUT) 4:26.22,6
- InvestecSongoSpecialized 2-1 Jaroslav Kulhavy (CZE) 2-2 Howard Grotts (USA) 4:26.40,5 +17,9
- BUFF SCOTT MTB 21-1 Francesc Guerra Carretero (ESP) 21-2 Luis Leao Pinto (POR) 4:26.42,1 +19,5
- Investec Songo Specialized 54-1 Annika Langvad (DEN) 54-2 Kate Courtney (USA) 5:13.14,0
- Silverback – KMC 51-1 Mariske Strauss (RSA) 51-2 Annie Last (GBR) 5:21.38,4 +8.24,4
- Ascendis Health 52-1 Sabine Spitz (GER) 52-2 Robyn De Groot (RSA) 5:23.04,0 +9.50,0

Jaroslav Kulhavy at start line during stage 4 of the 2018 Absa Cape Epic Mountain Bike stage race from HTS Drostdy in Worcester to Huguenot High School in Wellington, South Africa on the 22nd March 2018
Photo by Nina Zimolong/Cape Epic/SPORTZPICS

Riders during stage 4 of the 2018 Absa Cape Epic Mountain Bike stage race from HTS Drostdy in Worcester to Huguenot High School in Wellington, South Africa on the 22nd March 2018
Photo by Sam Clark/Cape Epic/SPORTZPICS

Riders during stage 4 of the 2018 Absa Cape Epic Mountain Bike stage race from HTS Drostdy in Worcester to Huguenot High School in Wellington, South Africa on the 22nd March 2018
Photo by Sam Clark/Cape Epic/SPORTZPICS

Riders during stage 4 of the 2018 Absa Cape Epic Mountain Bike stage race from HTS Drostdy in Worcester to Huguenot High School in Wellington, South Africa on the 22nd March 2018
Photo by Ewald Sadie/Cape Epic/SPORTZPICS

The first riders climb during stage 4 of the 2018 Absa Cape Epic Mountain Bike stage race from HTS Drostdy in Worcester to Huguenot High School in Wellington, South Africa on the 22nd March 2018
Photo by Greg Beadle/Cape Epic/SPORTZPICS

Henrique Avancini and Manuel Fumic of team Cannondale Factory Racing during stage 4 of the 2018 Absa Cape Epic Mountain Bike stage race from HTS Drostdy in Worcester to Huguenot High School in Wellington, South Africa on the 22nd March 2018
Photo by Mark Sampson/Cape Epic/SPORTZPICS

Riders cross the Brandvlei dam wall during stage 4 of the 2018 Absa Cape Epic Mountain Bike stage race from HTS Drostdy in Worcester to Huguenot High School in Wellington, South Africa on the 22nd March 2018
Photo by Greg Beadle/Cape Epic/SPORTZPICS

The lead bunch ride single track through the Slanghoek Valley during stage 4 of the 2018 Absa Cape Epic Mountain Bike stage race from HTS Drostdy in Worcester to Huguenot High School in Wellington, South Africa on the 22nd March 2018
Photo by Greg Beadle/Cape Epic/SPORTZPICS

Riders climb during stage 4 of the 2018 Absa Cape Epic Mountain Bike stage race from HTS Drostdy in Worcester to Huguenot High School in Wellington, South Africa on the 22nd March 2018
Photo by Greg Beadle/Cape Epic/SPORTZPICS

Annika Langvad and Kate Courtney of Team Investec Songo Specialized during stage 4 of the 2018 Absa Cape Epic Mountain Bike stage race from HTS Drostdy in Worcester to Huguenot High School in Wellington, South Africa on the 22nd March 2018
Photo by Greg Beadle/Cape Epic/SPORTZPICS

Annika Langvad & Kate Courtney during stage 4 of the 2018 Absa Cape Epic Mountain Bike stage race from HTS Drostdy in Worcester to Huguenot High School in Wellington, South Africa on the 22nd March 2018
Photo by Ewald Sadie/Cape Epic/SPORTZPICS

Sabine Spitz during stage 4 of the 2018 Absa Cape Epic Mountain Bike stage race from HTS Drostdy in Worcester to Huguenot High School in Wellington, South Africa on the 22nd March 2018
Photo by Ewald Sadie/Cape Epic/SPORTZPICS

Manuel Fumic and Henrique Avancini of team Cannondale Factory Racing during stage 4 of the 2018 Absa Cape Epic Mountain Bike stage race from HTS Drostdy in Worcester to Huguenot High School in Wellington, South Africa on the 22nd March 2018
Photo by Greg Beadle/Cape Epic/SPORTZPICS

Hendrik Kruger and Stuart Marais of team Ellsworth – ASG during stage 4 of the 2018 Absa Cape Epic Mountain Bike stage race from HTS Drostdy in Worcester to Huguenot High School in Wellington, South Africa on the 22nd March 2018
Photo by Mark Sampson/Cape Epic/SPORTZPICS

Jaroslav Kulhavy of team Investec Songo Specialized during stage 4 of the 2018 Absa Cape Epic Mountain Bike stage race from HTS Drostdy in Worcester to Huguenot High School in Wellington, South Africa on the 22nd March 2018
Photo by Mark Sampson/Cape Epic/SPORTZPICS

Jaroslav Kulhavy of Investec Songo Specialized during stage 4 of the 2018 Absa Cape Epic Mountain Bike stage race from HTS Drostdy in Worcester to Huguenot High School in Wellington, South Africa on the 22nd March 2018
Photo by Andrew McFadden/Cape Epic/SPORTZPICS

Centurion Vaude crossing the line during stage 4 of the 2018 Absa Cape Epic Mountain Bike stage race from HTS Drostdy in Worcester to Huguenot High School in Wellington, South Africa on the 22nd March 2018
Photo by Nina Zimolong/Cape Epic/SPORTZPICS

Kate Courtney and Annika Langvad win stage 4 of the 2018 Absa Cape Epic Mountain Bike stage race from HTS Drostdy in Worcester to Huguenot High School in Wellington, South Africa on the 22nd March 2018
Photo by Sam Clark/Cape Epic/SPORTZPICS

Karl Platt and Anrique Avencini share a moment during stage 4 of the 2018 Absa Cape Epic Mountain Bike stage race from HTS Drostdy in Worcester to Huguenot High School in Wellington, South Africa on the 22nd March 2018
Photo by Nick Muzik/Cape Epic/SPORTZPICS

Luis Leao Pinto and Francesc Guerra Carretero of Buff Scott MTB celebrate finishing in 3rd place during stage 4 of the 2018 Absa Cape Epic Mountain Bike stage race from HTS Drostdy in Worcester to Huguenot High School in Wellington, South Africa on the 22nd March 2018
Photo by Shaun Roy/Cape Epic/SPORTZPICS

BUFF SCOTT MTB team 21 during stage 4 of the 2018 Absa Cape Epic Mountain Bike stage race from HTS Drostdy in Worcester to Huguenot High School in Wellington, South Africa on the 22nd March 2018
Photo by Nina Zimolong/Cape Epic/SPORTZPICS

Centurion Vaude team member during stage 4 of the 2018 Absa Cape Epic Mountain Bike stage race from HTS Drostdy in Worcester to Huguenot High School in Wellington, South Africa on the 22nd March 2018
Photo by Nina Zimolong/Cape Epic/SPORTZPICS